The Oblivion Mod also gives conjuration a nice boost, but this version doesn't make it relevant.Ī former character of mine, created with ECE. I ended up giving her the absorb health spell, similar to the one vampires use, even if this is not technically melee combat. The biggest challenge was to give her a close combat option, since unarmed combat, the use of swords/daggers/axes or strong destruction spells were out of the question. High alteration/archery/illusion skills, low melee/physical defense habilities. For compatibility reasons (it requires RaceCompatibility.esm, not available on Steam), the NPC uses a vanilla Nord race instead of a custom race, so anyone can use the mod without dependencies.

This follower concept started after a fellow user from another Skyrim related forum requested the port of Kogane's Oblivion Inari assets (ear and tail) to Skyrim. This follower mod is the mash-up of 3 personal mods: a race mod, a NPC/follower based on a player character and an house mod. It is a good idea to save your game away from Pinewatch Cottage or inside an interior cell (house/cave/city) before installing this mod to avoid CTD. Luckily Seon's strong will and discipline prevent her from madness her hunting/patrol duty grants the respect from the Falkreath hold, keeping the road clean from bandits and predators. Some lore background to support her appearance: she was blessed by Hircine as Champion for completing the Wild Hunt, but Sheogorath cursed her to have an animal hybrid aspect, a way to mock Wild Hunt ritual and an attempt to drive her crazy. Spells & Shouts: Relies hugely on magic combat/defense uses drain health, restoration, alteration and illusion spells. If you like the concept and want to add your opinion or help improve it, please leave a comment. If you think this mod isn't for you, just forget it exists - it is pointless to discuss this MOD based on personal tastes/preferences and mod bashing comments will be deleted.

Isn't lore friendly and I am aware of that. This mod adds a follower in a new cabin across Pinewatch Cottage (check screenshots) based on the Inari Race created by Kogane to Oblivion. On the comments, I won't reply to "It won't work" comments without explaining at least when it crashes (on Skyrim logo, loading a game, entering the cabin area/cell.).

Please read at least the GENERAL INFORMATION and the TROUBLESHOOTING before posting about an issue or CTD. Download: MEGA Link (version 1.1a, check here for information)